Market Realities in 2025: Lower Inflation, Lower Interest Rates and the "Illusion" of a Soft Landing

Specialized Knowledge
Concurrent Session
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Broadway Ballroom B

Well-established recession indicators flashing red, the window for a recession has not passed. This presentation will explore why inflation will decline below 2% in 2024-2025, and deflation could emerge as a more significant risk. The presentation will clarify why the unprecedented rise in US debt is a catalyst for lower rates and why consumers may buckle for the first time in more than a decade.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss why fiscal policy and NOT monetary policy is responsible for the surge in consumer inflation and why deflation may emerge as a more significant risk
  • Learn why the unprecedented rise in US debt is a catalyst for lower rates
  • Identify key metrics to monitor for detecting emerging liquidity strains in the markets